The first section of every salary report helps you set a salary range. Youโll find these basic boundaries in the Nationwide Salary Summary. The blue distribution chart shows a nationwide analysis of similar employees and is designed to help you establish a top, bottom and middle of your salary range.
ChurchSalary's reports are designed to walk you through three basic salary review steps:
Set a basic salary range
Tune the range for your church
Place your employees (or yourself) within the range
This video walks you through How to Use Your Salary Report and provides an overview of the data included in your custom report. For a more in-depth 12 Step Guide to Setting Fair Church Compensation download our free ebook.
Church Salary reports will help create a package for a new employee, will help you evaluate salaries for existing employees and help determine fair pay for different positions. After you set your range, you need to refine the analysis. You can do this by tuning the range of the salary specific to your church and community.
Each report will show you how: salary varies based on geographic setting (Salary Comparison section), how salary ranges for secular jobs in your area are higher or lower (Comparable Jobs section), cost of living and the median household income are higher or lower (Cost of Living Section).
The Salary Comparison section factors the average salary based on Experience, Education, Setting & Ordination to similar churches across the country. Your church will need to decide how you will account these factors - we recommend you document that process & be consistent, for example, you can attach a dollar value to them or develop a formula. Other factors on your decision may include job performance and responsibilities.
NOTE: If all 4 of these data points are higher or lower than the nationwide numbers you may need to adjust your ranges up or down .
You can view more detailed descriptions for Salary Comparison , Comparable Jobs and Cost of Living sections in each of our Help Center articles!
How can I localize a full-time pastor salary? ๐ธ
A local analysis is determined on your zip code based on 4 variables:
Cost of Living
Population Density
Median Household Income
At the top of the salary report youโll see: base salary, a housing allowance and total compensation average for each of the four variables as well as for similar churches nationwide.
Under the "Localized Average for Salary" & "Housing Allowance Ratio" section, youโll see a new salary range that is calculated using an industry-standard HR formula.
Still have questions about your report? Watch our other How To videos, or contact us at for more information!